
大学和就业中心 → 一般信息. →特别活动  


威尼斯官网在线大学和职业中心 receive information regarding special programs for high school students and families in the Washington Metropolitan area. While some of these events and materials may not be sponsored or endorsed by the 威尼斯人在线官网 of Montgomery County, 的负责人, 或者你的学校, we encourage students and families to explore the opportunities below and to take advantage of these worthwhile events and programs.

Dates and times will be posted as they become available.

Information about preparing for college and financial aid

Financial aid workshops for high school students and their families.
September 23, 2019 — 7-9 pm — 蒙哥马利学院罗克维尔校区
September 30, 2019 — 7-9 pm — Montgomery 大学 Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
October 7, 2019 — 7-9 pm — Montgomery 大学 Germantown Campus

Free tips on how to prepare for the college admissions process, 如何进入心仪的大学, 以及如何使用多种资源支付学费.
2019年9月15日-上午9:50 -下午2:30

Free help completing the Free Federal Student Aid Application

Explore the pathways to degree programs and career fields
The Universities at Shady Grove, Gaithersburg, MD

Meet college representatives from UM, USG and MC


12th Annual Historically Black 大学s and Universities (HBCU) 大学 Fair 




父母 and students participating in 全国高校博览会 meet one-on-one with representatives from colleges and 大学 to discuss 入学和助学金 opportunities at the their respective institutions. Register before the fair to make the most of your time onsite and ensure that colleges can follow up with you. Upon arrival at the fair, pick up a map to find your best-fitting colleges. Counselors will be available onsite to help you determine the colleges that meet your requirements regarding major, 位置, 以及其他感兴趣的领域.​

华盛顿特区表演 & 视觉艺术学院博览会*


Walter E. 华盛顿会议中心,华盛顿特区.C.

*The Performing and Visual Arts (PVA) 大学 Fairs are designed for students interested in pursuing undergraduate and graduate study in the areas of music, 跳舞, 剧院, 视觉艺术, 平面设计, 以及其他相关学科. 每年秋天举行, 与会者了解教育机会, 入学和助学金, 投资组合的日子, 试听及入学要求, and much more by meeting with representatives from colleges, 大学, 音乐学院, 节日, and other educational institutions with specialized programs in the visual and performing arts.



Although a website can never replace an actual campus tour, an online campus visit can start your college exploration and help you make decisions about what you’re looking for in a college. A typical online tour will take students and their families through 360 degree panoramic views of the college and many other surrounding areas of interest. This no-cost visit can help narrow down the list of colleges you want to visit in person.


大学 fly-in programs offer high achieving seniors an opportunity to visit the college campus and try the college experience. Programs are 2 to 3 day college tours and are generally offered for low income students, 代表性不足的少数民族学生, 或者第一代大学生. The colleges often cover all transportation, food, and housing costs for the students. 访问期间, students generally meet with admission and financial representatives, 和学生一起住宿舍, 上课, chat with current students from similar backgrounds, 与教授交谈, 在食堂吃饭. Most programs for prospective students occur in September or October to give students time to visit before they submit applications. Fly-in programs are competitive — students must apply and show they are academically qualified to attend. Many colleges will have fly-in program information on their websites and start accepting applications in the summer.


Seniors who are at least 16 years old and are legal residents of the State of Maryland are eligible to apply for the student page program at the Maryland State House in Annapolis, MD. Exhibit an interest in state government and history, 有社会保险号吗, 平均或高于平均的学习成绩, 良好行为的记录(有能力), reliable and courteous) are qualities considered. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Mrs. Shella Cherry, Student Leadership Coordinator, at 240-314-1039 or Shella_B_Cherry@mcpsmd.org.


Many students choose to balance their academics and community service with part-time, paid jobs. To become familiar with federal regulations dictating restrictions on working teenagers, visit the 劳工处网站. For help with job readiness, job placement and retention skills, check out 障碍, Glassdoor网站 or 学生在联邦政府工作.

Montgomery 大学 Associate of Arts in Teaching (A.A.T.)

The Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) Programs offer the first 64 to 68 credits of a four-year bachelor's degree and teacher certification, and are fully articulated with the public colleges and 大学 in the state of Maryland. 学生 in the program fulfill their General Education requirements, 参与实地工作经验, and complete a core of professional education coursework appropriate for the first two years of teacher preparation.